The Lëtzebuerger Oldtimer Federatioun ASBL ’ (LOF) is the Federation of classic and historical car ownership organisations for all motorised vehicles - cars, motorcycles, trucks, buses, military vehicles and tractors. Founded in 1992, LOF is the National Fiva Authority (ANF) for the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. Our association currently counts 56 member assosiations with a fleet of more than 6.000 historic vehicles.
Our objectives are the protection, preservation and promotion of historic vehicles on a legislative and cultural level.
The Federation represents the affiliated clubs and maintains the dialogue with the decision-makers in the Grand Duchy.
The LOF defends the interests of collectors in terms of preservation and to maintain the unrestricted use of our historical vehicles on public roads by unifying all the enthusiasts for the same cause.
The LOF organizes the ‘Autojumble’ in spring to gather all actors who share the same hobby in one place before the beginning of each season.
The ‘LOF Oldtimer Breakfast’ is a monthly event (following the example of the cars & coffee events), organized from April until October in collaboration with our partners and sponsors.
The objective of the ‘Oldtimerday Luxembourg’ is to promote and share the passion for historic vehicles. The aim of the Oldtimerday is to promote the historical vehicles within the meaning of the statutes of the LOF ASBL and also to defend the unrestricted use of our technical heritage on the roads of today and tomorrow.
‘LOF Oldtimertour for Télévie’ is an annual historic vehicle hike, organised by the LOF ASBL, for the benefit of the Télévie charity organisation. It helps to raise funds for scientific research against cancer and leukemia.
FAQ / Downloads
- Classification véhicule historique snca (PDF)
- Demande carte Fiva (PDF) - new system will be installed
- Procédure de classification d'un véhicule historique snca (PDF)
- Réforme du contrôle technique, mémorial (PDF)
- Collection d'affiches Autojumble